In no small feat, Ralph Breaks the Internet is a sweet, funny and worthy follow-up to the Oscar-nominated 2012 Wreck-It Ralph. The sequel finds room to grow on the original film’s premise by exploring not only a larger world beyond video games but also new and more complicated dimensions to the core friendship at the heart of these movies.

Gaming remains a factor this time around — especially when Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope’s (Sarah Silverman) online journey leads them into the absurdly dangerous and over-the-top GTA-style game Slaughter Race — and the quest to save Vanellope’s “home” Sugar Rush from extinction is the plot’s main objective. But the Internet, as the movie’s title makes obvious, is the main subject of this keen parody, and this shifts the focus from the past (nostalgia for classic games) to the present. Everything from viral videos to the dark web to online shopping gets ribbed here.

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Source: Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 Review