GameStop has launched their Black Friday sale. Yes, we know it’s still only Wednesday night at most part of the country but Friday be damned. As of writing, you can pick up a Nintendo Switch Neon or Gray Joy-Con bundle for $299.99 with a free $50 GameStop Digital Gift Card. The same gift card deal also carries over to other systems such as the popular PlayStation 4 Pro 1TB Red Dead Redemption 2 Bundle, or other Xbox One X bundles (which includes the same $70 off found elsewhere).

These are all great deals given all other retailers haven’t fully launched their Black Friday deals yet (most start Thursday at midnight or night). If you’re patient, you can very likely find similar value deal elsewhere ($50 gift card, or a free extra controller). The gift card arrives in digital email format and you can claim it after receiving your shipping order confirmation.

GameStop Black Friday Console Deals with $50 Gift Card

Nintendo Switch

PlayStation 4 Pro

Xbox One X

Xbox One S

GameStop Black Friday Video Game Sale

Noteworthy titles for the PlayStation 4 are: $10 Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition and $17 God of War. For titles that are on most major platforms, Fallout 76 for $39.99 is a good price (albeit a mixed title), and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 for $38 is also great (although Walmart has it for $37).

Game deals from Dealzon. Sales help support Destructoid.

GameStop Black Friday live: Switch, PS4 Pro RDR2 bundles with free $50 card screenshot

Source: Destructoid GameStop Black Friday live: Switch, PS4 Pro RDR2 bundles with free card

By Dealzon