I have no problem admitting this: I am a cheap bastard. A very cheap bastard indeed, as it were. For about 90% of the things I buy, I’d rather wait until there’s a decent sale or discount and go without them than pay full price and have it now. This goes for literally everything — food, clothes, toiletries, games. You name it, and I’m waiting to buy it until it’s much cheaper than it is right now.

Which is why Black Friday kicks so much ass. Retailers are desperate to pull money out of my wallet and into their cold clutches, and will stop at nothing to lure me into their web of consumerism. For the most part, I withhold my affection to the Retail Gods like a distant stepmother; but come Black Friday, I wiggle these fingers and grab indiscriminately like Uncle Terry after four too many glasses of wine over Thanksgiving dinner.

Hey Dtoid: What's on your Black Friday hitlist? screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Hey Dtoid: What’s on your Black Friday hitlist?