Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.
Thanksgiving is a time for togetherness and reflection, and in Central City that means looking back at your dysfunctional relationship with your father and having an emotional meltdown. Father/daughter relationships were clearly the big theme of this week’s episode. And while I tend to get annoyed with episodes that make such a blatant display of drawing parallels between heroes and villains, this episode is earnest and heartwarming enough to forgive its reliance on holiday-flavored schmaltz.
The Barry/Nora dynamic took a sharp turn this week as two decades of repressed emotional trauma finally burst forth all at once. As cutesy as their relationship has been most of this season, this proved to be a welcome dramatic shift. It’s safe to say we understand Nora and what drives her a little more, as well as appreciate how much of her hostility towards Iris has been a case of emotional projection on Nora’s part. She also went through a key moment in her superhero evolution this week. Nora finally understands something her father seemed to intuitively grasp from the beginning – that being a hero means laying your life down each and every day on the job.
Source: IGN.com The Flash Serves Plenty of Thanksgiving Cheer