We’re getting close to December and a lot of the editors are starting to work out their games of the year list. That means many of us are trying to catch up on Red Dead Redemption II. It looks like the other most popular game this weekend is Pokémon Let’s Go, which seems like the furthest away from Red Dead you could get.

Are you doing anything fun this weekend? Let us know in the comment below!

Javy Gwaltney – I’m traveling this week so in my free time I’m working on becoming the best Pokémon catcher and completing my season journey for my monk character in Diablo 3. Those great rifts are no joke!

Jeff Cork – This weekend, I’m hoping to inch my way closer to Red Dead Redemption II’s credits. Just when I think I’m getting there, something new crops up. But I’m still trying to stay optimistic! Other than that, I’ll probably do some mystery heroes in Overwatch and play a little Let’s Go, Eevee! and see what all the fuss is about.   

Kimberley Wallace (@kstar1785) – For the love of God, I need to finish Red Dead Redemption II. It is my mission. It’s the last game I’m really trying to wrap up for the year. Need to see where it lands on my GOTY list! 

Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I’ll be covering news a bit this weekend and getting a haircut – two things I haven’t done in a long time. Otherwise I will be checking out some lesser-played games for our end of the year discussions and trying to make some progress in Red Dead Redemption II. That game is super long.

Jill Grodt (@Finruin) – I’ve been getting really into Pokémon Let’s Go and I recently got drawn into Person 5 again. I don’t know if I’ll get through either, but I’ll give it a good try! I’m also thinking I need to get out and experiences some fun Minneapolis things while I have the chance, but it’s so cold outside!

Imran Khan (@imranzomg) – This weekend, I plan to do some GOTY voting cleanup. I’m going to revisit some games I have been pretty sure are on my list and play some stuff I haven’t gotten a chance to touch. I’m also playing Pokémon Let’s Go a lot, which I like more than I thought I would, but I absolutely can’t play docked. I was so excited to sit down and play Pokémon on my TV with a Pro controller and am inconsolable that I can’t. I am also going to watch Wreck-It Ralph 2 this weekend and do my best not to judge it for not being entirely about video games.

Leo Vader (@leovader) – The Ludum Dare game jam starts tonight, so I’m gonna see if I can whip something teeny up for that. If I find time, I’ll be playing more Red Dead Online, which I’m having fun in but also could complain about for hours! HAGS!!

Source: Game Informer Weekend Warrior – I Choose You, Arthur Morgan!