Once the reprieve of tech-fiends, hard-line enthusiasts and protagonists from the mid nineties, VR is now more prolific than ever. Among the headsets available on the market, Sony’s PSVR offering remains both the most affordable and accessible.

This recently released PSVR Mega Pack Bundle includes everything you’ll need to get sucked into its strange new virtual worlds: a headset, a PlayStation Camera (required for the VR to work) and five games including Skyrim, WipEout and Doom.

It also has VR Worlds, where you can descend into the ocean, journey through space, and enjoy a life of crime, among other experiences. You can nab the PSVR Mega Pack Bundle for £229.99 over at Argos. It sold out at Amazon today!

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Source: Eurogamer Get a PSVR with Skyrim, Doom and three more games for £229