A message popping up for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate today confirms that a new update coming in the next few days. The version 1.2.0 update is the first since the game’s release last week and will be making actual balance changes to the game’s fighting. While it’s not clear what exactly the update will contain, that does mean the existing replays you have saved will become unusable.
Luckily, unlike previous games in the series, this time Nintendo is giving warning that that an update is coming and you can convert your replays into videos, keeping them from being affected by balance changes.
The way Super Smash Bros. saves replays is by recording the timing and order of button presses. So it knows when you punched Samus as Little Mac, but it doesn’t save an exact image of that moment happening. Thus, when a balance change happens like nerfing that punch to do 10 percent instead of 12 percent, it breaks the log. Now that recorded button log playing out in the actual game can’t keep up with the way it was supposed to work.
The way most other games handle this was to just have a flag in replays keeping the old balance in place for those specific fights. Still others just save replays as videos to begin with. Before Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo and Bandai Namco didn’t do either of these things, but now they at least do the latter. Before the balance changes take effect, you can record a replay by converting it to video. Keep in mind this must be done before it applies the new update.
So if you have some replays you want to keep for posterity, head to it.
Source: Game Informer Smash Bros. Ultimate Update Coming Soon, Convert Replays To Videos Now