This weekend, the Splatoon 2 community waged colourful warfare in another global splatfest, this time cross-promoting with Nintendo’s recent (and incredibly popular) Switch release Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

The splatfest asked whether players preferred the Heroes or Villains of the new crossover fighter, with Pearl weirdly backing those who believe in justice and truth and Marina on the side of all that is unholy. When all was said and done was over, Team Villains walked away with the 2 – 1 victory, confirming the total lack of moral fiber among Splatoon players.

So it’s a win for Marina, who will probably now turn full heel after seeing how well it worked out for her. Now more than ever, Queen of the World Pearl is the Hero we both need AND deserve.

Splatoon 2 is available now on Nintendo Switch.

Splatoon 2's Smash Bros. splatfest results reveal it's good to be bad screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Splatoon 2’s Smash Bros. splatfest results reveal it’s good to be bad