Windows Central is reporting from multiple sources that Microsoft’s full-featured next-gen system is codenamed Anaconda, while the more pared-down, streaming version is codenamed Lockhart.
At E3 this year it was reported that Microsoft is internally referring to its next-gen family of systems as “Scarlett,” and Windows Central’s recent report puts Anaconda and Lockhart within that family. Anaconda is the more powerful, expensive option, while Lockhart is the comparably cheaper, hardware-light streaming box. Both are scheduled for 2020.
The Scarlett family of systems including Anaconda and Lockhart are not to be confused with Microsoft’s other reported console plan for 2019, which is to introduce a digital-only Xbox.
[Source: Windows Central]
Source: Game Informer Rumor: Anaconda & Lockhart Are The Codenames For Microsoft's Next-Gen Consoles