IDW Publishing has been pumping out Transformers stories for years. If you’ve always wanted to start reading these comics, but have been fearful of jumping on in the middle of a series, your fears and hundreds of stories are about to be wiped away.
Debuting next March, IDW Publishing’s Transformers is going back to the beginning, giving newcomers a chance to start at square one. According to IDW, this new series will “explore Cybertron in ways never seen by audiences before.” You’re going to see what this robotic society was like before being ravaged by war. This first issue gives you a view of this world through the eyes of Bumblebee and his friends. They witness the beginning of the end, which apparently kicks off with a single death.
The new Transformers series features words by Brian Ruckley, and art by Angel Hernandez and Ron Joseph. The series will be available twice a month.

Source: Game Informer IDW's Transformers Comic Series Reboots Next March