New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, also known as the game that spawned Bowsette, is still slated for an early 2019 release on Switch on January 11.
As a reminder the touched-up port of the 2012 game will come with the New Super Luigi U expansion, which is basically a full game on its own. This lengthy Japanese trailer does a good job of running through the basics, showcasing a wide swath of levels and every playable character. They even go through the trouble of showing different playstyles (docked and portable), a little detail that Nintendo frequently gets right.
Nintendo is charging $60 for this, but it’s a way easier pill to swallow than other Wii U re-releases, given that New Super Luigi U is still being sold for $25-$30 on its own (used) and the Wii U digital bundle price is still $60.
Source: Destructoid Just in case you haven’t played New Super Mario Bros. U yet, here’s a big old overview of the Switch port