It’s the most wonderful time of the year for gaming. Time off from work and bad weather outside means plenty of time to boot up and lose yourself in a digital wonderland. If that’s not enough motivation, games are released in droves around this time, packing your schedule with game time merriment. Though there is plenty to choose from, not all will fill you with holiday cheer. Don’t miss out this season – make the most of your precious vacation and revel in these merriest of video game holidays.

The Dawning – Destiny 2

The Dawning draws Guardians from across the universe to the Tower to soak in the holiday spirit, celebrate the winter season, and experience the joy of giving. This year, the air is filled with the smell of freshly baked cookies as players craft the perfect Gjallardoodles or Chocolate Ship Cookies for quest givers that eventually reward them with the greatest gift of all – an exotic Sleigh to ride around in.

Feast of the Winter Star – Stardew Valley

Every year on the 25th day of Winter, guide your hard-working farmer to Pelican Town to join in on the Feast of the Winter Star. The feast is set in the snow-covered town square, decked out with festive décor and filled to the brim with scrumptious food. The festival packs in even more digital delights with a secret gift exchange which can jump-start a relationship with that special someone.

Feast of Winter Veil – World of Warcraft

Greatfather Winter is coming to town, bringing the season with him in his great flowing cloak. Though it started as a Dwarven festival celebrating the snow-bringing figure; humans have been increasingly joining in the Feast of Winter Veil. Now all throughout Azeroth, people are enjoying traditional treats like Graccu’s mince meat fruitcake and hoping to earn the merrymaker title.

Starlight Celebration – Final Fantasy XIV

The true meaning of the Starlight Celebration is generosity and goodwill. It was established to remember the deeds of Ishgardian knights who sought to help the children orphaned in the land’s many wars. This year you can honor their compassionate deeds with some good old-fashioned choral music.

The New Life Festival – Elder Scrolls Online

On the 1st of Morning Star, Tamriel welcomes the new year with free-flowing ale and by watching the traditional Emperor’s New Life Address. When they’ve had enough of politics, the citizens flood their local taverns, and go on holiday-inspired quests. Just be sure to grab a New Life Festival scroll to if you want to join in the merriment.

Wintersday – Guild Wars 2

Hurry to the nearest portal, or make your way on foot, but don’t miss out on ringing in the Tyrian New Year in Guild Wars 2’s great city, Divinity’s Reach. Whether you’re into making sweet traditional music with fellow revelers or gifting that ugly sweater to orphans, there’s something for everyone to have a very merry Wintersday.

Can’t get enough of seasonal events? Overwatch, Fortnite, Rocket League, Gears of War, and more all have limited-time events that exude holiday cheer and offer seasonal-themed skins, gear, and activities.

Source: Game Informer Get In The Spirit With Video Games’ Merriest Holidays