This is a spoiler-free review for the first season of Diablero, which is currently available to stream on Netflix.

Movies about demons are a dime a dozen, but in researching where the progenitor of demonic televisions shows started the seed seems to be rooted in the CW’s long-running series Supernatural. Since that time, demons, Satan, and the interplay between Earth and the spirit plane has been grist for so many television shows it boggles the mind. The fad is working its way into foreign-language shows now, and Netflix’s latest series, the Spanish-speaking Diablero, draws heavily from its US imitators. That’s not to say it’s a copycat, despite a hokey story that hits every familiar beat in the Necronomicon these shows utilize, the characters tenacity makes the show’s eight episodes a breeze, despite the dark content.

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Source: Netflix's Diablero Season 1 Review