It feels like we’ve been watching One Piece: World Seeker for forever, and that’s because we basically have.

It’s been a year now since Bandai Namco unveiled Ganbarion’s project and we’re still several months away from its March 15 release date. Hoping that things would change and the Switch would a port I was dismayed to find out that it’s still only slated for PC, PS4 and Xbox One after asking the publisher directly, but you never know, even the Wii U got a One Piece game.

In this nearly final trailer we get a good look at the general theme of the game: an open world romp where you get to mess around with protagonist Luffy’s gum-gum swingy powers. Oh and there’s gatling gun wielding flying robots to fight and plenty of cute slice of life moments.

If this plays even remotely as smooth as some recent open world games I’m so in.

This opening movie sets the tone for the upcoming open world One Piece game screenshot

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Source: Destructoid This opening movie sets the tone for the upcoming open world One Piece game