Overwatch’s winter event kicked off recently with some mostly mediocre skins with a few exceptions, and of course you get your token taste of a loot box to entice you to play more. But as of Christmas day, Blizzard is upping the ante and adding five more boxes into the fray. If you log into Overwatch from now until January 2, you can net five more boxes.

I got Grinched. After mashing that slot machine lever (spacebar) five times I came up with basically nothing outside of one gold drop. I constantly find myself wanting Heroes of the Storm‘s box re-roll system, but with that game on the way out Blizzard clearly knows that people will deal.

Other winter events include holiday re-themed levels and the return of last year’s Yeti Hunter (Mei vs. Winston) mode.

You have a week to claim five free Overwatch winter loot boxes screenshot

Source: Destructoid You have a week to claim five free Overwatch winter loot boxes