In the age of “we can fix it after we ship it,” it’s fascinating to watch a game grow into something else entirely. Some projects that were absolute failures at launch have become gems in the eyes of many, and although Fallout 76 is a long way away from that moniker (they’d have to completely overhaul the soullessness for one), Bethesda has been patching the game and attempting to avoid controversy along the way.

After a kerfuffle involving incomplete patch notes Bethesda stepped in and basically gave us a developer diary for the next update and now they’re vowing to continue to fix Fallout 76 by way of a New Year’s blog post. The publisher explains that they have a “big update” coming soon that will “address many of the issues [players] have been providing feedback on, with notes to come soon.”

They also claim that they’re “building an incredible list of future updates” that include “new quests, weekly in-game events, new Vault openings, a new PVP mode and player vending.” Weekly events and PVP sound like the exact opposite of what I’d want, but I’ll keep an eye out for these updates to see if they address any other fringe issues.

Inside the Vault [Bethesda]

Bethesda's New Year's Resolution? More Fallout 76 updates screenshot

Source: Destructoid Bethesda’s New Year’s Resolution? More Fallout 76 updates