Alien: Blackout, a mobile follow-up to Alien: Isolation for iOS and Android, has been announced.
Amanda Ripley, Ellen Ripley’s daughter and protagonist of Alien: Isolation, is the star. It’s a joint effort between FoxNext Games, D3 Go and Rival Games, and will once again focus on survival horror action in space. The idea is that you’re rescuing your crew through seven levels while manipulating the ship’s technology. This is the new Alien project that was trademarked late last year, so don’t expect a console announcement anytime soon. There is, however, another shooter on the way from Cold Iron Studios that hopefully washes away the taste of Colonial Marines.
While I’m always willing to give something a shot, seeing an incredibly atmospheric concept like this (especially after the fantastic Isolation already proved the idea works) on a mobile device is troubling. Can we just get an official VR version of Isolation?
‘Alien: Blackout’ is a Survival Horror Mobile Game Starring Amanda Ripley [Variety]
Source: Destructoid The new Alien game, Blackout, is a mobile joint