Update 1/11/2019 – The demo is now available
Capcom has announced a demo for Resident Evil 2 is coming this Friday, but you’re not going to want to screw around in this one.
The “1-Shot Demo” for Resident Evil 2, which hits on PS4, Xbox One, and PC January 11 and expires January 31, has you playing as Leon “as he arrives at Raccoon City Police Station in the ultimate worst first day on the job.” You have 30 minutes mow down a few zombies, solve a few puzzles, and get out of the station.
Here’s the catch: Once that timer expires, you can’t play the demo anymore. If you die during the demo you’re free to restart, but that timer carries over between tries. If you beat the demo, you’re free to run through it again until the timer expires. But ostensibly, those 30 minutes are all you have.
Beating the demo also nets you what Capcom is calling an exclusive trailer only for those who finish the demo. You can watch that trailer as many times as you want.
Resident Evil 2 is out January 25 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Source: Game Informer Resident Evil 2 '1-Shot' Demo Is Now Live