“Nani?!” pretty much sums up the reaction of this mass of Guardians who expected to get the drop on Link in this Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild video.

As shared by CHC_Yu-Da on Twitter, the player controlling Link manages to nail six swift counters to send the pack to their doom. In case you haven’t played Breath of the Wild before, Guardians are an elite enemy type typically found while roaming the open world.

Many Guardians will chase after you while some are stationary: but all of them have a line-of-sight laser attack that’s particularly deadly if you don’t know how to handle it. The thing is, over time you start to get a feel for shield counter timing, allowing you to send their shot back at them for lethal damage. Which…is what this person did, six times, perfectly.

Giving you nearly all of the tools you need from the start makes for some incredible speedruns and leads to limitless clips like this. It was a genius move from a design standpoint that’s still paying off nearly two years later.

This Zelda: Breath of the Wild clip is basically straight out of an anime screenshot

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Source: Destructoid This Zelda: Breath of the Wild clip is basically straight out of an anime