Sega has revealed the release date for the PC version of Yakuza Kiwami in a very on-brand way.

After hopping onto the game’s Steam store listing, you’re greeted with the usual sights. There’s a set of rotating screenshots in which protagonist Kiryu is living his best life, a vague “coming soon” heading, and – what’s this? – a grinning Majima popping his head out of the sewer. What’s that rascal up to now?

If you focus on the top of the Majima gif, you’ll notice a curious flash. Upon further inspection, for a split second, there’s text. It is, in fact, a release date. Yakuza Kiwami hits PC on February 19, 2019.

Sega could’ve just outright said the launch date, but tying the news into a nod to Kiwami‘s Majima Everywhere side activity is a touch more thoughtful. I also like the idea of random Steam users who have never played Yakuza coming across a strange man with an eyepatch hiding under a manhole.

Technical issues aside, Yakuza on PC is a beautiful thing. It’s truly never too late to discover this series for yourself, and while I think Yakuza 0 makes the best possible first impression and should be prioritized over Yakuza Kiwami for on-the-fence players, you can’t really go wrong either way.

When these games click, they’re enthralling. All yours stresses melt away, and it feels like you’re home.

Yakuza Kiwami PC reveals its February release date in a fun way screenshot

Source: Destructoid Yakuza Kiwami PC reveals its February release date in a fun way