In the midst of all the hullabaloo over at Westminster right now, you’d think video games were at the bottom of the Parliamentary priority list. Thankfully, the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee’s work continues unabated, as the Commons Select Committee has now opened its inquiry into “addictive technologies” to the public.

Originally announced back in December, the inquiry seeks to “look at how the addictive nature of some technologies can affect users’ engagement with gaming and social media, particularly amongst younger people”. This could eventually inform government policy on the regulation of gaming, and help government “keep pace with the increasing digitisation and ‘gamification’ of people’s lives”.

As of yesterday, individual members of the public and organisations can now enter written submissions to the inquiry. If you want to write something yourself, make sure to read the terms of reference beforehand for information on the topics being addressed. Written evidence should have numbered paragraphs and be under 3000 words in length (a struggle, I know).

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Source: Eurogamer Parliament wants your opinion on links between games and gambling