Batman’s current “Knightmares” storyline has been a disorienting read, to say the least. Initially, that was a bad thing. Issue #60 wrapped with one of the most significant cliffhangers yet in Tom King’s run, yet #61 proceeded as if that twist never happened at all. But issue #62 showed a method to that madness, urging readers to question the very reality of Batman’s surroundings. And now this new storyline shows its full hand in issue #63, reminding us once again that it’s all part of King’s plan.

While the cover highlights the team-up between Batman and John Constantine, it’s not really that Dynamic Duo that anchors the book. King mainly uses this issue as a means of reflecting on the tragic failure of the Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle romance. Readers are given brief glimpses at the life the two might have shared together had Bruce not been abandoned at the altar. This, as much as anything else, speaks elegantly to Bruce’s troubled state of mind following the recent tragedies in his life. And given how much King has emphasized this series as one massive tribute to the Bruce/Selina relationship, it’s good to see her actually put in an appearance for the first time in half a year.

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Source: Batman #63 Provides the Answers We Need