Last year, From Software president Hidetaka Miyazaki won a Lifetime Achievement award at the Golden Joysticks. With him having recently received the award when we sat down to talk to him about From Software and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, we decided to ask him what he thinks are keys to living a life worthy of such an award. His answer was inspiring. Sort of?

“I’m not in a position to tell people how to lead their lives,” he told us. “They’ve got to do what’s best for them personally. I’ve worked in the games industry just over ten years, and I’ve just enjoyed making these games. When I’m asked ‘What especially has been good about that or what do I put value in there’, then there’s nothing particular to say. It’s just the fact that whether or not they succeed.”

He also says that his work makes it hard to give his fans inspiring advice. “I just want to say, “let’s all just love one another and make world peace,” he says. “But it’s not as easy as that especially when he’s making games like Dark Souls and Sekiro. But as long as I’ve contributed something that’s had an impact on someone’s life that’s enough for me.”

Receiving the award also reminded him how much he appreciates the people who play his work. “They’re the ones who’ve kind of cultivated us and our way of life and our culture, and the way we make games and what we want to give back to them,” he says. “Receiving that award, I was like, ‘Wow. This is something I’ve got to tell them. I have to be more appreciative of this.’ I’m not one of those people who goes on Amazon and writes reviews for games and stuff like that, but I might be turning into one of those people. I’ve got to show a little bit of love here and there.”

When we asked if he planned to instill a positive, peacemaking message into Sekiro, his reply was simple: “No one’s going to buy that.”

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Source: Game Informer Hidetaka Miyazaki On Receiving A Lifetime Achievement Award