The first seven characters of Mortal Kombat 11 have been officially confirmed, plus a few others that we can pretty safely reserve a space on the character select screen for. And while the current roster is mostly made up of familiar faces, there are two mysterious characters that are brand new to the series. One, Geras, is a confirmed playable character, but the other, named Kronika, has only been seen in cinematic trailers. To learn more about these two newcomers, we went straight to the source, the godfather of Kombat, Ed Boon.

“Kronika is the boss of bosses. All the Mortal Kombat events that have happened, since MK1, she’s the one kind of architecting everything that’s happened,” said Boon. “Everything that’s happened has occurred according to her plan, with the goal of having Shinnok be the final victor.”

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Source: Who Are Geras and Kronika in Mortal Kombat 11?