New updates can change an MMO beyond recognition. This is exactly what happened to Lineage 2. Old school players may surely remember the heyday of Lineage 2 in times of C4 Interlude Chronicles. Today, you will find only the outlines of that game, if you will look at the main version Lineage 2: Orfen. The original concept of the game has been completely redesigned.
At some point and I wonder how this happened hardcore MMORPGs began to protect players from any gameplay difficulties. Key items that were previously difficult to receive or were made by heavy dwarvish work, became available in regular stores. The developers introduced countless instances, thanks to which players could no longer strongly influence each other. Lineage 2 has lost what made it unique an open hardcore world in which you need to fight for any content. Moreover, the game has switched to a free-to-play system. This was the last drop for many players. Lineage 2 completely changed its audience as a ga…
Source: N4G PC Lineage 2 Classic: Return of the Legendary MMORPG