Rockstar announced today an update for Red Dead Online aimed at addressing some matchmaking issues in the recently-added Gun Rush mode, as well as promising more free Gold Bars to players along with other upcoming changes to the multiplayer component of Red Dead Redemption 2.

Gun Rush, a more traditional Battle-Royale-style game mode than the “Make it Count” mode that first launched in RDOnline’s Showdown Series‘, is supposed to host up to 32 players per match – but many players have been game lobbies with half of that or less. “We identified a few matchmaking issues that we are continually working to address,” reads the post on Rockstar’s Newswire. “We’ve since added some minor improvements that should help generate fuller lobbies and we will add more fixes in upcoming title updates. Gun Rush is best experienced with as many competitors as possible, so if you had any issues with smaller lobbies last week, we strongly encourage you to give it another go this weekend as we are already regularly seeing much fuller matches on both PS4 and Xbox One.”

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Source: Red Dead Online: Free Gold and Gun Rush Fixes in Latest Update