Hearthstone’s most recent expansion – Rastakhan’s Rumble – took players back to the Gurubashi Arena from World of Warcraft, and gave them a set of cards themed around trolls, teams, arena combat, Loa and spirits. I caught up with Team 5’s Lead Initial Designer Peter Whalen and Lead Final Designer Dean Ayala to chat through some of the most interesting cards in the set and how they came about.

The guys also dug up some incredible work-in-progress card art that’s never been seen outside Blizzard. Enjoy!

IGN: One of my favourite cards in this set is Jan’alai the Dragonhawk, and I think the Hearthstone community just, as a whole, lost its collective minds when that card was announced. It’s very cool. What can you tell me about designing that card?

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Source: IGN.com Hearthstone: Behind the Scenes on Rastakhan's Rumble