This past weekend marked the first public demo for EA and BioWare’s upcoming Anthem. Being set up to directly tackle Bungie and Destiny, a lot of people were expecting big things from this game. I wasn’t sure exactly where I stood, but I thought the demo would give me some insight. Turns out Dan and I both found that insight, just probably not in the way EA was hoping for.

I understand this is a demo and things could always change, but Anthem didn’t play very well. There’s nothing wrong, mechanically speaking, but those server issues are staggering. I should clarify that nothing is wrong on consoles because Dan had a hell of a time with the PC version. You can see just a bit of his headaches in the video below.

Today's Impulse takes a look at the Anthem demo and disconnects doing so screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Today’s Impulse takes a look at the Anthem demo and disconnects doing so