While I’ve been playing games my whole life, in the past several years I’ve basically become an expert in VR. I own every major VR platform to date, including Oculus Rift/Go, Vive and PlayStation VR and have seen nearly everything they have to offer. I know a lot of you are probably like “so what?” but the fact remains there are a lot of great experiences out there waiting to be discovered.

All that said, I’m not oblivious to the hardships of VR adoption. The barriers of entry for VR are in some cases insurmountable, ranging from space, to cost, to plain old vision issues that prevent you from even enjoying the medium altogether.

It’s for those reasons and more that VR hasn’t really taken off in homes. But there’s still plenty of other ways to innovate.

Zero Latency is trying something new with their latest VR project: room scale PVP screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Zero Latency is trying something new with their latest VR project: room scale PVP