While audiences are expecting quite a bit to happen in Avengers: Endgame, comic fans are hoping to see, or rather hear, one thing in particular: Captain America saying the iconic rallying phrase, “Avengers assemble!” The first time the Avengers formed on-screen during the Battle of New York, Cap didn’t need to say the words because the circle-round shot did a superb job showing the team assembling, so it would’ve been overkill to say it, director Joss Whedon explained at the time. While Whedon withheld the signature call-to-arms with the best of intentions then, he outright trolled fans at the end of Age of Ultron when the film abruptly ended just as the words were about to leave Cap’s lips. Now, with one Avengers film left to go before Chris Evans reportedly departs the role, what better time for Cap to finally deliver the goods?

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Source: IGN.com 15 Coolest Times the Avengers Have Assembled