3D Realms has announced that indie sidescroller Rad Rodgers will be coming to Switch on February 26. The port to Nintendo’s platform will include local co-op support, new characters, and a versus mode. Along with some original characters (like Evil Rodgers), icons like Duke Nukem, Lo Wang and Shelly Bombshell (from Ion Maiden) will be playable.

Co-owner of 3D Realms, Frederik Schreiber, said, “We love Rad, and we thought he deserved some awesome new friends to play with. With new levels, weapons, couch co-op and a versus mode, I think our fans may have a hard time putting this game down.” If you already own Rad Rodgers on PC, PS4 or Xbox One, all this new content will be available as a free update on the same day as the Switch version’s launch.

Rad Rodgers is coming to Switch with friends in tow screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Rad Rodgers is coming to Switch with friends in tow