The PC release of Metro Exodus has been rife with controversy ever since Deep Silver decided to pull it from Steam. Despite confirmations that the series wouldn’t be leaving the PC space anytime soon, fans have been review bombing the past games on Steam in some futile effort to change things. In an odd win for Steam and Valve, Metro Exodus is actually currently available for pre-load to players that secured a copy before Deep Silver changed platforms. The same can’t be said for Epic, though.

Since the Epic Games Store is quite lacking in features (a thing we mentioned on Impulse a few weeks ago), pre-loading games isn’t available for any titles on the service. Steam has had the option for years now, so fans are able to download the game ahead of its launch and skip waiting. Most people will probably not utilize this (Exodus won’t return to Steam until 2020), but it’s funny how Steam has a leg up when it comes to this particular game.

Metro Exodus is available for pre-load on Steam, but not the Epic Games Store screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Metro Exodus is available for pre-load on Steam, but not the Epic Games Store