Harmonix, the developer behind the likes of Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Amplitude, has unveils its new “VR rhythm shooter” Audica, which launches in Steam and Oculus early access on March 7th.
In a tweet unveiling the game, Harmonix said that Audica combined the studio’s “award-winning music gameplay with precision shooting mechanics and a killer soundtrack, all set in a mesmerising cosmic arena.” And if that’s not descriptive enough for your liking, you can get a taste of Audica in action – complete with super-imposed shooty-lady – in the trailer below.
The gist of it, from what I can gather based on the video, is that targets appear at fixed points around the arena as a music track unfolds, and it’s your job to point your virtual guns in the right direction and pull the triggers to destroy them on the beat. To add a bit of variety to proceedings, it seems some notes need to be held and then whipped around in a specific pattern, while other incoming targets must be batted away. Put all that together and you’ve got a recipe for some energetic, potentially calorie-decimating, arm waving.
Source: Eurogamer Rock Band developer Harmonix announces VR rhythm shooter Audica