Dupers, it seems your time has finally come, as Bethesda is about to weed out duped items from Fallout 76. For real, this time.

Anyone who’s been near the Fallout 76 subreddits will know the community considers item duping a severe problem. The process of doubling items through glitches and exploits – for which tutorials can be found on YouTube – has been accused of wrecking the in-game economy and contributing towards server instability. Dupers have become so unpopular, in fact, that some players have established vigilante death squads to root them out (resulting in the unfortunate targeting of several innocents).

Bethesda attempted to tackle the duping epidemic in previous patches, claiming it would remove certain duping methods, but the dupers have nearly always managed to find alternative ways to cheat. This time, however, Bethesda plans to actively remove the duped items – meaning some people could end up with rather empty inventories.

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Source: Eurogamer Fallout 76 purging duped items in today's patch