There’s a few surprise releases today on the eShop, headlined by Tetris 99, the game that pits 99 people against each other online.

Also on Switch you’ll find Final Fantasy IX, Steins;Gate Elite, OlliOlli: Switch Stance, Alvastia Chronicles, Astrology and Horoscopes Premium, BlazeRush, Captain StarONE, Cinders, Degrees of Separation, Dragons Dawn of New Riders, Guess the word, Hexa Maze, Kyub, Love, Mimic Hunter, Modern Combat Blackout, Nekopara Vol 2, Nice Slice, Pet Car, Space Lift Danger Panic, Strikey Sisters, Tales of the Orient – Rising Sun, Rainsdowne Players, Tokyo School Life, Touhou Sky Arena Matsuri Climax, and Trine 2: Complete Story. Miraculously the Wii U is getting Sinister Assistant and the 3DS hosts Pinball Beaker.

Now don’t get me wrong, Final Fantasy 9 is great: but when Nintendo said “once a classic, always a classic” during yesterday’s Direct, I was also thinking about the conspicuously absent Final Fantasy VIII. It doesn’t get a whole lot of love from both fans and Square Enix (in terms of remasters or re-releases) but this man considers it a classic and I’m sticking to it. One day I’ll talk about it at length, but for now, in 2019, someone else agrees!

Am I starting a low key grassroots campaign to get VIII remastered, remade or re-released? Possibly.

Nintendo Download: Final Fantasy IX screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Nintendo Download: Final Fantasy IX