The massive success of Fortnite and its “Battle Pass” program has laid the groundwork for countless imitators to try their luck with the scheme. Whenever a new battle royale title comes out, it’s shocking when it doesn’t have a battle pass in tow. Typically costing around $10, Fortnite has made seven passes, without fail, since introducing the concept. Season Eight has been hit with a snag, though, so Epic is making another unprecedented move in the BR space.
With the introduction of “Overtime Challenges,” which are basically a hold-over until Season Eight begins, players that complete 13 of the new tasks will receive the next battle pass for completely free. This will grant players free costumes upon completion and will have them ready to go for when the season officially begins. You’ll need to finish this challenge by February 27, but that is plenty of time for dedicated Fortnite players.
Along with the overtime challenges, a massive changelog for the 7.40 patch is included on Epic’s website. There are far too many things to go over, but you can take a read by clicking here.
Source: Destructoid Players can earn Fortnite’s next battle pass for free