Zahi AR. from Link-Cable writes: “Roughly two weeks before Deltarune launched on October 31st, 2018, I was having a conversation with fellow Link-Cable writer Jacob about an Undertale could look like. Would it be a sequel? Prequel? Midquel? Some sort of quel? A spiritual successor maybe? Or should there even be a sequel to Undertale, after its ending, did it really need one? It ended so perfectly, but there were still so many unanswered questions. My worry, which among the Undertale community was that how can anything live up to the instant classic. I was very hesitant on the subject, while Jacob was optimistic, but we both agreed, whatever creator Toby Fox would make would be hugely anticipated. To preface, I loved Undertale, and I will be doing a review on it, so stay tuned. But then, the rumors started, with the release of Undertale on Switch, new characters being discovered which had hints to something soon.”

Source: N4G PC Review: Deltarune: Chapter 1 | Link-Cable