Developer Red Hook Studios has announced that it’s working on a sequel to its brilliant but brutal Lovecraft-inspired RPG, Darkest Dungeon.

The original game released in 2016, and tasked players with exploring numerous trap-infested environs, seeking out riches and battling – in time-honoured turn-based fashion – against a relentless procession of cosmic horrors. Each encounter with the unknown would send adventurers in your party to the brink of madness, eventually lumbering them with generally negative quirks and making future excursions that much harder.

As a result, downtime in between missions became a game of party management, hiring fresh faces or making use of local amenities – be they the brothel or local chapel – to hopefully mitigate the adverse effects suffered by more experienced, and thus more powerful, adventurers. The balancing act between deeper exploration and hero preservation was never less than stressful.

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Source: Eurogamer Brutal Lovecraft-inspired RPG Darkest Dungeon is getting a sequel