Anthem is one day away from “officially” launching (despite the fact that Origin Access has doled out the full game since Friday) and already we have our epic dump of day one patch notes.

Load times are a huge complaint from nearly everyone without an SSD on PC, which are being addressed in the patch. Don’t sleep on that low key dunk from BioWare/EA noting “decreased loading times for older disk drives” — I mean I picked up an SSD years ago but framing it like people should have one/it’s standard is out of touch.

The other big note is a fix for the Tomb questline, which is bugging some people. In short you have to do a handful of challenges to progress with the main questline, and in some cases people are finding that they didn’t get credit for them retroactively. Now folks should have most of the challenges completed by the time they get the set of tasks.

Another big change involves final bosses dropping clearly visible loot in what was previously seen as an oversight by the playerbase. The thing is those bosses did drop loot, but only after the mission was completed, leaving some to believe that only the first 2/3rds of a Stronghold (dungeon) were worth completing, leaving after they reached the second chest. Now that the rewards are more clear players should be able to finish the dungeon and get full clear credit.

Nearly everything in the below notes involves a bug fix of some sort, and the list is lengthy. As far as the balancing front goes things are looking up: some enemy health values have been decreased and for the most part, select weapons/abilities have been buffed.

Day One Patch Notes [Anthem]

BioWare shares massive incoming day one Anthem patch notes screenshot

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Source: Destructoid BioWare shares massive incoming day one Anthem patch notes