We all make mistakes. Sometimes we’re in a hurry, and we don’t take enough time to think things through. Maybe you were in a Mystic sorta mood when you first installed Pokémon Go only for second thoughts to begin creeping in a couple weeks later. Maybe you’d rather roll with the Valor crew now.
Players will soon be able to change their team in Pokémon Go, but there’s a fee (and a catch) involved. As of February 26 at 1:00pm Pacific, Niantic will offer a Team Medallion item for 1,000 PokéCoins. (You can earn coins in-game or buy them outright. The smallest amount, 100 PokéCoins, costs $0.99.)
Aside from the obvious price hurdle, there’s also a usage restriction. The Team Medallion can only be purchased “once every 365 days,” so you’ll need to keep your treacherous ways in check.
“Any of your Pokémon that are in Gyms when you change teams will be returned with no PokéCoins earned once it’s defeated. You also can’t battle your own Pokémon, so if you return to a Gym one of your Pokémon is defending, your Pokémon will be returned to you with no PokéCoins earned.”
Pokémon Go could probably stand to have more EVE Online-esque intrigue.
While you’re out there two-timing your original team of choice, you may also want to try Pokémon Go‘s snapshot feature that’s now available to Level 5 trainers on Android devices. It lets players pose their Pokémon for silly photo ops which, yeah, that’s gonna go sour real fast. Avert your eyes, Gardevoir.
New Team Medallion allows Trainers to switch teams! [Niantic]
Source: Destructoid Pokemon Go will let players swap teams but it’ll cost time or money