NetherRealm Studios has revealed another returning character for their upcoming gore-fest Mortal Kombat 11. The latest warrior to join the roster is one of the series’ most recognisable heroes, asshole actor Johnny Cage.

Johnny, who made his debut in the original Mortal Kombat back in 1992, is an arrogant movie superstar who has been forced to step up once the fate of the entire universe fell into his hands. A little older, a little wiser, but just as irreverent, Johnny is now one of EarthRealm’s top spec ops guys, but still retains his trademark streak of dad humour.

As we can see in Johnny’s trailer, his Shadow Kick and Uppercut and green fireballs are back in full effect, with his trademark $500 sunglasses finally becoming a projectile for the first time in the series. That fatality is something else though, it kind of only works the one time, but pretty funny stuff.

Honestly, I didn’t expect this reveal. I personally think Johnny’s time in the series is done, ditto Sonya Blade, yet here they are. It’s cool to see these classic characters getting a look-in, but I’m definitely hoping for a few more freaks and psychopaths, the roster so far is a little too “Middle-Aged Earth Person” for my liking. Considering Liu Kang and Kung Lao are also considered shoe-ins, this may be set to continue.

Mortal Kombat 11 launches April 25 on PS4, PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. It has also been confirmed for the main stage at the upcoming EVO 2019 event.

Mortal Kombat 11 Johnny Cage Reveal Trailer [IGN]

Johnny Cage back in the spotlight for Mortal Kombat 11 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Johnny Cage back in the spotlight for Mortal Kombat 11