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A new trailer dropped for the Pokémon Detective Pikachu movie this morning and it shows off a lot more Pokémon, and some of the major plot beats, like the fact that protagonist Tim’s father may not actually be dead. Arguably the biggest reveal of the trailer, however, is MewTwo, who bursts through a gigantic exploding Pikachu balloon in dramatic fashion.

A new poster was also revealed for the movie, which you can see below.

If you head to the movie’s official site, you can actually play a simple game that reveals the 15 Pokémon hidden in the poster, including MewTwo, Snorlax, and more. You can find that here.

Pokémon Detective Pikachu releases in theaters on May 10. For more on the Detective Pikachu movie, head here. You can also check out some of Ryan Reynolds’ acting process for playing Pikachu in the clip he released below.

Source: Game Informer The Latest Detective Pikachu Movie Trailer Reveals Mewtwo And Much More