The Lost Legends of Redwall games turn the well-known fantasy setting of valorous mice and dangerous predators into text-heavy adventure games. When focused on its literary roots, The Scout isnt bad. The story centers on the Lilygrove Scout Corps, a band of mice with unique personalities and relationships dedicated to protecting the populace. As long as they are the focus, the world is a joy to explore. Alas, the player must eventually leave level one, because The Scout has sneaking, running, and escort gameplay. Pirates attack the land, and the scout runs for the lighthouse. The game is never quite the same from there, and its obvious that this officially licensed game has moved from its wheelhouse, storytelling, to the new depths of gameplay. The waters might be a little too deep for The Scout to stay afloat.

Source: N4G PC The Lost Legends of Redwall: The Scout review – ChristCenteredGamer