Weird City is a new YouTube Premium sci-fi anthology series set in the futuristic metropolis of “Weird.” Created by Charlie Sanders and Jordan Peele, this six-episode dark comedy has some serious star power, featuring household names like Ed O’Neill (Modern Family), Rosario Dawson (Luke Cage), and Michael Cera (Arrested Development). Sanders spoke with IGN about the series’ humble beginnings.
“It all started in 2011,” Sanders told IGN. Back in those days, before Sanders had his own show, he was a writer for Comedy Central on Key & Peele. For five seasons, Sanders worked alongside one of television’s funniest duos and wrote some crazy sci-fi sketches that his boss was fond of. “I was writing a bunch of weird sci-fi sketches for the show that Jordan really liked,” Sanders explained. “And so we just started talking about, if Key & Peele blew up, maybe we’d take some of the sci-fi ideas and blow them out into bigger episodes and make our own show out of it.”
Source: Jordan Peele's New Sci-Fi Show on YouTube Is Weird