Someone’s making a literal couch co-op game in which players try to work together to move furniture through increasingly out-there obstacles, and folks, I am all about it. I missed the reveal of Moving Out last December, but this gem has found its way to me thanks to the gang at Wholesome Games.

It’s a winning concept for a co-op game with fun, mostly manageable chaos not unlike Overcooked. Things only get wackier as you go, with later levels set inside a haunted house and on an airplane hurtling down the runway. There’s also one about “smuggling” giraffes out of the zoo with your hands.

Speed and efficiency are the name of the game. “So, whether on a heist or doing a repo job, load as much into the truck as possible before zooming off to the next gig. How freight gets from one place to another is entirely up to players, though, so toss the manual out the window and get creative.”

As SMG Studio and Devm Games note, “Moving Out features both local and online play across its arcade, story, and versus modes. Each level also adjusts the experience dynamically to account for the number of players on screen, thereby welcoming Smooth Move employees of all ages and skill levels.”

Aside from PC, the release platforms for Moving Out aren’t known yet, but SMG said “we won’t disappoint anyone.” I’ve run out of new and even old co-op games to play with my significant other (we’re in the midst of Nom Nom Galaxy right now), so this just shot up to the top of my 2019 wishlist.

If you already knew about this game, cool. Check out the Wholesome Games feed while you’re here.

Desperate for more co-op games like Overcooked? Moving Out looks ace screenshot

Source: Destructoid Desperate for more co-op games like Overcooked? Moving Out looks ace