Why are there no good video game movies? It’s a question we ask ourselves every time another Resident Evil sequel comes out in theaters, every time a huge IP like Halo or Mortal Kombat goes direct-to-video, every time we see a movie like John Wick or The Raid that shows us how it woulda/coulda/shoulda been done.
What gives? Why are so few film adaptations of video games being made, and in the off chance that they are, why do they always seem to range from “forgettable and bad” to (and this is usually the best-case scenario one can hope for) “so bad that they’re actually kind of funny”?
Turns out there is a load of answers to these questions, ranging from creative to financial to philosophical. Let’s take a look at some past and present examples and see if we can’t come up with some answers, shall we?
Source: IGN.com Here's Why There Are no Good Video Game Movies…and How to Fix it