The MCU’s newest hero, Captain Marvel, has entered the fray literally swinging, with a cosmic-flavored origin story that feels like a much-needed fresh approach to the classic Marvel Phase One formula. With a soundtrack packed full of vintage ‘90s earworms and a delightfully unselfconscious sense of humor, Captain Marvel pulls off a satisfying introduction to the hero who may be our Avengers: Endgame trump card.

The bulk of Captain Marvel’s standard two-hour runtime is focused on Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), and begins with her as a human far from Earth trying to figure out just who (and what) she is. She’s been living among the alien Kree for years and has earned herself a position on an elite commando unit under the leadership of Yon-Rogg (Jude Law) – but she has no memory of her life before. In public, Carol is a take-no-prisoners soldier wanting to prove herself worthy to her comrades-in-arms – but in private, she’s not so certain. This duality keeps the memory-loss tropes to a minimum. She never feels properly lost or floundering, just frustrated that she’s up against a problem she can’t use her Kree-granted powers to punch her way out of. Though she certainly gives the impression that if she could brute force her own memories into the proper order, she definitely would, which is absolutely delightful.

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Source: Captain Marvel Review