It’s easy to grow frustrated with some of the publishing and storytelling decisions on this series, whether it’s the callous way Nightwing was treated late last year or the fact that the already overlong “Knightmares” story arc was further delayed by last month’s Flash crossover. But when Batman fires on all cylinders, it’s easily among the best books on the stands. Issue #65 is one more welcome reminder of that fact.
Granted, Batman #65 does little to shake up the formula established by previous chapters of “Knightmares.” Batman is still trapped in a psychedelic nightmare world with little hope of escape. He continues to project his own thoughts and fears into constructs based on people close to him. In this case, Batman ruminates on his failed marriage to Catwoman by putting himself into the role of that great superhero investigator, The Question. The result being that this issue manages to be a story entirely about the psychology of Batman even as it only indirectly features the Dark Knight.
Source: Batman's Nightmares Make for Compelling Reading