Since its reveal at E3 2016, I haven’t really known what to make of Days Gone. It’s a zombie freaker* game. OK. It’s a big open-world adventure. Alright. It’s also about resource management and survival. Sure, cool – but what is it? What does the sum of all these disparate parts actually look like as a video game in this, the year 2019? Well, after getting to play roughly five hours of it for myself, I finally got a taste of what the full Days Gone experience actually looks like.

The first hour of my demo took me through most of Days Gone’s opening, introducing basic mechanics, concepts, and characters. I quickly felt at home with the controls, since the systems at play all very familiar to anyone who’s spent time in an open-world action/adventure in the last few years. The elements we’ve seen before are executed extremely well. Stealthily scavenging for supplies while sneaking around an abandoned motel crowded with zombies freakers is appropriately tense, and the same goes for trying to discreetly (or not) clear a bandit camps to unlock a new fast-travel point. Walking into one of their ambushes (the chances for which can actually be reduced by eliminating the aforementioned camps) is equal parts shamefully frustrating and exhilarating, choosing from a wide variety of useful skill upgrades is decidedly nerve-wracking, and melee and ranged combat encounters are, for the most part, both exciting and brutally satisfying.

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Source: We’ve Finally Seen the Sum of Days Gone’s Parts