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If anyone doubted that Star Trek: Discovery could successfully marry the old with the new, combining all the modern tech and Peak TV stylings of Disco with the groovy, classic sci-fi of The Original Series, “If Memory Serves” exists to wash away those misgivings as if they were nothing but a Talosian illusion. The episode, which also finally gives us Discovery’s proper iteration of Spock, brings together multiple elements from the very first Star Trek story and easily braids them with the modern series.
Which isn’t to say that “If Memory Serves” is a perfect episode, but after 50-odd years Discovery has finally given us a follow-up to the unaired TOS pilot “The Cage,” not to mention a prequel to the two-parter “The Menagerie,” which is something many fans have no doubt often pondered, and perhaps even feared, as those Original Series segments are still held in such high esteem.
Source: IGN.com Review: Star Trek Discovery's Best Episode Yet